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In DCA, Amy teaches you everything you need to know about creating and selling a digital course—even if you’re starting from scratch. Click here to learn more!









From Creator To Educator: Your Next Big Leap

Unlock the hidden potential in your business by teaching what you know.

Learn More About Digital Course Academy

Discover the power of sharing your knowledge


Hey there, friend! It’s Bonnie, and I’m thrilled you’re here. As creators, we often feel that holding onto our secrets keeps us ahead, but what if I told you that sharing those secrets is the true key to unlocking your next level of success?

I used to think keeping my knowledge close was my competitive edge, but I’ve learned that sharing what I know has led to more growth, impact, and more income than I could have ever imagined.

Why teach what you know?


You see, when we teach, we don’t just help others—we deepen our own mastery. Teaching forces us to organize our thoughts, simplify complex ideas, and in turn, become better at what we do. Plus, it’s incredibly rewarding to see the ripple effect of your knowledge, like a dandelion spreading its seeds far and wide.

If you’re hesitant, I get it. Moving from creator to educator can feel like a huge leap. But trust me, you don’t have to leave your creative roots behind. Instead, think of teaching as an extension of your creative process—a way to improve your craft, amplify your impact and leave a lasting legacy.

Teaching makes YOU better at your craft!

Join the Movement:

Become a Creative Educator

If you’re ready to take the next step, the timing is perfect because my friend, Amy Porterfield, online marketing expert and the host of the top-ranked podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy is about to start her offered-once-a-year, "Digital Course Academy", perfect for anyone eager to build and launch their own digital course.

Amy has helped over 50,000 online business owners add digital courses to their businesses, and inside Digital Course Academy, Amy will teach you everything you need to know about creating and selling a digital course—even if you're starting from scratch!

With high-touch support, live trainings, and a vibrant, action-oriented community, you’ll get everything you need to succeed. Whether you're starting from scratch or refining your course idea, Amy's Digital Course Academy will guide you every step of the way.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

✅ Ideation, validation, and pre-selling your course (if you need a little upfront cash)

✅ Outlining your content, organizing your material, and recording your lessons – no fancy equipment or big budget required

✅ Putting together your offer and crafting an irresistible sales page

✅ Growing your audience, creating your marketing plan, putting together a simple webinar that converts, and selling with authenticity and confidence It’s truly the best education in the world for creating and launching a digital course with clarity.

Amy’s known as the “step-by-step queen” 👑 for a reason—she doesn’t skip a single detail. Plus, there’s an entire tech library and live Q&As to make sure even the most tech-challenged of us can make this happen.

Plus, to celebrate the DCA launch, I’ve created a BONUS PACKAGE that’s designed to make your journey even easier. If you enroll through my link, I'm including:

BONUS #1: My $5.6 Million Course Comprehensive Launch Debrief
This is a behind-the-scenes look at our team’s strategies and lessons learned from one of our most successful launches. You'll see what worked well for us, and our lessons learned!

BONUS #2: My 6-Month Pre-Launch Runway Roadmap
This guide will walk you through each step to build anticipation, engage your audience, and ensure your launch is a success.

(My bonuses will be delivered via email on October 15.)

PLUS, if you sign up by 10 pm ET on September 19, you’ll get Amy’s FAST ACTION BONUS: a physical Digital Course Academy Guidebook! 📚or ALL the Course Confident details and to unlock my bonus, click the link below.

Enroll in Digital Course Academy and Unlock Bonnie's Bonus

Doors are open!

Are you ready to enroll and learn how to create, market, and automate a profitable digital course?

OH Yes, I'm Ready!

No experience or audience required!


DCA is truly the best education in the world for creating and launching a digital course with clarity.


Special Bonus!

If you sign up for Amy’s Digital Course Academy today, you’ll get two additional exclusive bonuses from me—

BONUS #1: My $5.6 Million Course Comprehensive Launch Debrief
This is a behind-the-scenes look at our team’s strategies and lessons learned from one of our most successful launches. You'll see what worked well for us, and our lessons learned!

BONUS #2: My6-month Pre-Launch Runway Roadmap” packed with everything you need to start teaching with confidence!

Because launching a successful course is all about what you do in the months leading up to it. I’ve personally used this roadmap to build my course launches, and it’s the secret sauce behind over $25 million in launch revenue over the last 7 years.

Most course creators focus on the final stages of a launch, but the real magic happens in the 6 months leading up to it. With this roadmap, you’ll know exactly what to do every step of the way, ensuring that when launch day arrives, you'll be met with eager students, not silence. If you’ve ever worried about launching to crickets, this roadmap is your solution. Let’s get your course launch set up for success, just like I’ve done with mine.

(My bonuses will be delivered via email on October 15.)

For ALL the Digital Course Academy details and to unlock my bonus, click the link below.

Enroll in Digital Course Academy and Unlock Bonnie's Bonus

"As creators we are called to become educators."

-Bonnie Christine

Free Resources

To help you dig deeper into adding courses to your business, I’ve gathered some of my favorite resources that I think you’ll love:

Hear why and how sharing your knowledge can transform your business.

Free Course Calculator

This tool will help you price your course correctly in just a few minutes—no guesswork required.

Podcast Episodes

Listen to my mini-series, "Teach What You Know" on the Professional Creative podcast, where I dive deep into the art of teaching what you know.

Ep. 147: Overcome the Naysayers

Overcome self doubt and naysayers. Listen in here.

Ep. 148: Knowing Your Niche

Your hidden teaching potential—nailing the perfect topic. Listen in here.

Ep. 149: Creating a Curriculum

Crafting your curriculum for the best student results. Listen in here.

Ep. 150: How to Create Revenue Streams

10 ways to monetize your expertise. Listen in here.

Don't Miss Out

Transform your expertise into a powerful, profitable asset. Enroll in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy today and start building a course that will generate consistent revenue and allow you to focus on what you love—creating and teaching.

Enroll in Digital Course Academy and Unlock Bonnie's Bonus

P.S. Just so you know, I’m an affiliate for Amy’s Digital Course Academy, which means if you decide to join her course through my link, I’ll earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). But honestly, I’d be shouting from the rooftops about this even if I wasn’t. I only share what I fully stand behind and truly believe will help you crush it! 💪 Thanks for your support!

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